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School Programs

We have  designed the school program in two parts:


Educational learning: students explore the world of simple machines using instruction manuals, teacher directed activities and group discussions.


Creativity and imagination: students engage with miscellaneous pieces to complete puzzles, games and challenges set by teacher.


We are both long serving primary school teachers and believe it was important to use the Australian Curriculum as a guideline to the program. The program includes number and algebra, measurement and mental arithmetic. Speaking and listening skills, problem solving, comprehension and construction of simple machinery.



The school program has been designed to run as a 1 hour sessions once a week, held at either lunch time or straight after school. The children are provided there own learning kits that they are to learn and grow with throughout the semester. The kit has over 500 pices that include, cogs, gears, wheels weights, ropes and so much more!



So what are you waiting for, call to enrol your school now!

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